Republic of Armenia, Shirak region, Gyumri, Vazgen Sargsyan 5a, Shirak Centre for Armenological Studies of National Academy of Sciences RA
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M. Hasratyan

  Achievements and Properties of Armenian Architecture From XVII-XVIII 5  

A. Manucharyan


The Reflection of the Struggle against the Faulty Relationships Within the Church


K. Matevosyan

  Two New Scribe-Authors of the Ani Region 19  

H. Khachatryan

  Functional Classification of Fortifications 27  

L. Yeganyan

  Clay Idol from Mets Sepasar 34  

A. Harutiunyan

  The Village of Horom and the Newly-Found Inscription of St. Hripsime Church 44  

S. Petrosyan

  Cradle of the Indo-European and Sumerian Storm God 52  

A. Akopov

  The Issue of Tayk's Identity in the Georgian Studies 62  

R. Kandor


Armenians in the Fighting Chronicle of the Circassian Mounted Regiment (1914-1916)


S. Hasan-Jalalyan


The Meeting of the Supreme Ruler of Artsakh-Khachen Jalal IV Hasan-Jalalyan with the Shah of Iran Abbas I


H. Muradyan


The Administrative-Demographic Portrait of the Shoragyal County (Western Shirak) in the Period of 1830-1877


A. Hayrapetyan


The Illustration of the Activity of Alexandrapol’s “Fraternal Aid” Committee in 1914-1916 in the Pages of Eastern- Armenian Press


G. Makhmuryan


Alexandropol of 1918-1920 in the Documents of the U. S. Department of Stale and the National Archives of Armenia


K. Aleqsanyan


The Problems of the Soviet Formation in the Province of Alexandropol after the Passing Peroid from Revolutionary Committees to Councils


G. Ayvazyan


The Social Idea of Alexandrapol in the Context of the Armenian State Creation Ideology

Hayk Meliq-Adamyan

German Travelers' Scientific and Cultural Studies in Shirak Region in XIX Century

A. Maloyan
  Considerations on yet Another Ethno-Religious Group of Assimilated Armenians 136  

K. Bazeyan

  Forms and Modes of Child Socialization in Alexandrapol 143  

S. Petrosyan , L. Petrosyan

  About the Cult of the Snake and the Child-Like Snake in the Regions Shirak and Vanand 151  

K. Sahakyan, R. Hovahnnisyan

  The Creative City as the Bearer of National Identity and Values (on the Example of Gyumri City) 160  
T. Aghanyan
  Comparative Analysis of the Earthquakes in Leninakan in 1926 and in Spitak in 1988 164  
A. Haykazun Grigoryan

Typological and Artistic Features of the Monuments in Gyumri’s Cemeteries

H. Galstyan
  Evil Spirit (Tpgha) in Armenian Folk Beliefs and Superstitional Talks 177  
M. Khemchyan
  Advising and Donor Bird in Kars Fairy Tales 186  
E. Khemchyan

The Usage of Curses / Threats and Blessings/Wishings in Kars Tales

L. Gevorgyan

The Socio-Economic Reasons for Formation of Ethnographic Open-air Museums

H. Harutiunyan
  The Ashough Trade Union of Alexandrapol in the Memories of Ashough Khayat 210  
H. Pikichyan
  Musical Life of Shirak in the 80-s of the 20th Century 217  
M. Khachatryan
  Epithet in the Novel “Life on The Ancient Roman Road” Written by V. Totovents 224  
S. Yeghiazaryan
  Neologisms in Abig Avagyan's Prose 235  
A. Avagyan
  The Manifestation of the Category of Gender in Armenian Names and Surnames 241  
A. Hovhannisyan
  A Man of Ararat. Is it a dream? 246  


A. Boyajyan


The Changes of Social Form of ASSA Population in the First Quarter of the XXth Century (by the Example of the Province of Alexandrapol-Leninakan)


I. Avagyan

  Casual Findings from the Necropolis of Shirak’s Spandaryan Village 258  

K. Avetisyan

  Interior and Exterior Decoration of Gyumri Seven Wounds of the Holy Virgin and St.Nshan Churches 264  

A. Tagesyan

  The Haigazain Armenological Review. Past and Present and Its Prospects 273  

H. Matikyan

  Texts Addressed to Children in Ashough Folklore 281  

B. Vardanyan


On the Mentioned Sources of Fortification Buildings of the Akhurian Basin in Medieval Historiography

  Scientific information 294  




Republic of Armenia,
Shirak region, Gyumri,
Vazgen Sargsyan 5a



The Shirak Center For Armenological
Studies of NASRA


Phone: +374 312 69974
Mobile: +374 94-411-228, 77-077-447 © 2011-2024